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An accredited Space-Holders Training in
the Art of Holding Deeply-Transformational
Trauma-Aware Sacred Space
The world needs your unique magic.
There's no doubt about that!
So what holds you back from offering it freely?

Whether you are to become a life coach, guide, mentor, communitybuilder, changemaker, wayshower, witch or wizard...

This journey offers the foundations on how to build a career out of holding Sacred Space and doing what you Love

Kundalini Transformation










Become an Inspiro Space-Holder and join the Tribe!

A deep commitment not only to yourself but also to every person who will inevitably arrive in your spaces.

In order to transform others we must first transform ourselves

In order to hold space for others we must first hold ourselves

7/12 Spaces Remain

First 3 to book: £888 SOLD OUT
Then £1111
There are 3, 6 or 10-month payment plans available if needed.

Every Wednesday 7-10pm UK time for 12 sessions. Integration week halfway through.

100% online, on zoom. Please ensure you have a solid internet connection.

How to book:
Email or click the link above to register interest and discover whether this transformational course is aligned for you right now.

It doesn't matter if you want to empower people in

Poetry or Food
Intimacy or Business
Creativity or Relationships
Mindfulness or DJ-ing

The essence and algorithm of patient guidance, deep heartfelt listening and compassionate space-holding remain the same.

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On the course, you will receive:

~ 12-week Training in an intimate and supportive group

~ 3 Hour Group Training/Sharing every week on zoom

~ 80 Page Inspiro Manual (physical copy)

~ 36 Page Inspiro Toolbox (physical copy)

~ Engaging WhatsApp Group for Accountability and Inspiration

~ Certificate upon Completion

~ Lifetime Access to the Inspiro Hearth Community upon Completion

What is required from you?

~ Turn up each week (or catch up on recordings)

~ Be active in the group

~ Complete assignments (if you want certificate, not compulsory)

~ Be open to diving deep into the journey

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We will be covering:

~ Opening and Closing Sacred Space

~ Holding Ritual and Ceremony

 ~ Boundaries and Consent

~ Finding your Unique Offering / Niche

~ Conscious Marketing and Sales

~ Navigating Emotional Charge / Triggers

~ The LEAF Method

~ The 5 Pillars of Transformation

~ The 5 Inspiro Circles

~ The Blueprint of an Inspiro Circle

~ Holding Shadow / Trauma / Big Emotion

~ EFT (Tapping)

~ Daily Energetic Practice for SpaceHolders

~ Nervous System Regulation

~ Guiding Grounding Meditations

~ Attuning to the Group Field

The Journey

Module 1: Inspiration

Find your why. Embody your essence. Relax into the journey.

Module 2: Sharing Circles

Learn how to hold sharing circles to inspire authentic communication.

Module 3: Expression Circles

Learn how to hold expression circles to inspire authentic vocal expression, emotions & song.

Module 4: Movement Circles

Learn how to hold movement circles to inspire creative movement that sets the body free.

Module 5: Connection Circles

Learn how to hold connection circles to inspire safe, heart-centered connection between people.

Module 6: Healing Circles

Learn how to hold healing circles to facilitate a deep release of stuck energy or trauma.

Module 7: The Chakras

Deep dive into the Kundalini Awakening process and how to work with the energy in the body. Includes Kundalini Breathwork.

Module 8: Ritual Space

How to hold rituals or ceremonies to inspire altered states and connect to the Divine.

Module 9: Shamanic Journeys

Guiding people to journey into their inner world, connect to guides and spirit animals.

Module 10: Shadow Theatre

Offering space for people to embrace their shadow aspects and integrate them.

Module 11: Your Sacred Business

Marketing, sales and business as a transformational process.

Structure vs Flow.

Module 12: Integration

Reflecting on the journey. What's next?

Image by Jonny Gios

The first 6 modules are a descent journey into the underworld of your being

Image by Karol Smoczynski

The second 6 modules are about emerging out into the world bearing your deepest gifts

If you go on to qualify as an Inspiro
Facilitator you will be:

Certified as a practioner with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association)

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Empowered to hold 1-1 Inspiro Journeys, Inspiro Circles and Inspiro Retreats for your community

Equipped with a vast toolbox of powerful practices to use on yourself and offer to others


Who is the Inspiro Course for?

Yoga Teachers who wish to incorporate a more Shamanic and Ceremonial aspect into their classes to inspire deeper transformation

Free Yoga

1. Inspiro is about breathing life and inspiration into every space we hold.
2. Inspiro is about meeting the depth of your own being so you can hold space for others to do the same.
3. Inspiro is about leaning into our darkness, our fear, our pain and alchemising it into gold.
4. Inspiro is about deeper listening to the what we can do to serve the space and meet the group need.

Inspiro is about creating a fertile environment for growth and healing NOT forcing or rushing change.
6. Inspiro is about being centred in our own hearts and feeling compassion from a place of wholeness and authenticity.
7. Inspiro is about being radically devoted to deepening the art of holding Sacred Space.
8. Inspiro is about letting go of grasping hold of control, and simply about dwelling in the great mystery.
9. Inspiro is about leading the way with your own vulnerability to help others feel safe to open up.
10. Inspiro is about expanding Unconditional Love for yourself, for those in your spaces and for the entire planet.
11. Inspiro is about slowing down and embracing the organic pace of life and transformation.

The 11 Values of Inspiro

Some words from our Inspiro Practioners


"Joining the Inspiro course with Jote Prakash had, and continues to have, a huge impact on how I work with others in sacred space.

The course taught me not just some incredible tools to work with others through, but also some incredible tools to work with myself through.

Over the time of the Inspiro journey, my life and the way I interact with others significantly changed - a shift occurred through sitting in regular sacred space with other amazing individuals on a journey to grow.

Jote Prakash holds the online space incredibly well, and for the first time in the years since Zoom began, I actually looked forward to opening my computer and logging on.

One year on from this course, I have taken 1-1 clients on and host monthly scared spaces of up to 30 people, and am organising retreats for later this year. I would not have the confidence or clarity on how to safely hold these spaces if it were not for Inspiro with Jote Prakash, and for that I am very grateful, and recommend anyone who is considering the course to sign up!"

George Sargent-Childs

The Inspiro course brought me home to me and Jote Prakash guided that.


He created a space with nine others where all of me could be seen, heard, held and loved and that was incredibly healing.


I had tension in my neck and shoulders for a few years and massage would only ease it for a short while. I noticed, after the Inspiro course, the tension has gone. If I do feel it creep in I know how to soften and release it through the tools I learned on the course.


It has also given me confidence that I can do that now for myself and ultimately others through my work as a Yoga teacher and Space holder.

Collete Daux

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Every session was profound. It was raw, authentic, juicy and inspiring.


I felt called to do the Inspiro Course to further develop and deepen my skills and capacity as a space holder. I had recently completed my conscious connected breathwork facilitator training and wanted to explore different methods and tools in which I can support the people I work with and also prepare myself better for what may arise in my sessions, as participants often experience emotional and traumatic release. I also wanted to explore different methods and ideas on how to navigate setting containers for holding circles and 1-2-1's.

My background is as an NHS worker and I have been working in corporate healthcare for 10 years and have been feeling a burning desire within me to shift my energy into doing deeper work with those who feel called to. 

During the course I was able to move through a lot of fears, blockages and self-judgement and was held, supported and encouraged throughout by Jote-Prakash and the other participants. It was an honour to witness each others journey and processes in a space of love and non-judgement. 

This truly was a journey back to self, one of deepening end delayering. We were each other's mirrors and reflected so much truth back to each other. I discovered my strengths and my weaknesses. And I feel stronger and more empowered still months later. Jote-Prakash has been a mentor and a brother and I will always cherish what we shared as a group together.

I highly recommend this course. The content is great and diverse and I felt like we covered a lot of grounds. You will have a deeper understanding and gain confidence in leading rituals and ceremony. You will forge beautiful connections and will reap the benefits no matter what. I am truly grateful for the whole experience and the opportunities that have presented itself following the course. 

The journey continues.



My Inspiro Spaceholders Journey empowered me to spiral deeper into my Truth.

Parts of me I hadn't acknowledged for a long time, felt invited to be witnessed, loved and embraced by the whole group. 

Jote-Prakash held space with a tender awareness of what we were collectively moving through - drawing from his own experience with Radical Bravery. The level of depth he was willing to reveal, inspired me to crack open, deeper and deeper, every week.

I feel my confidence blossomed over these 12 weeks, giving me the tools I need to more intimately connect with myself and my clients. 

I gained invaluable experience of Sacred Alchemy.


Now my fire is burning brighter than ever before, to root down into a career as a Sacred Spaceholder. 

Awen. Love. 🐻

Ben James Stuchbury

Some words from our Inspiro Practioners


My journey through the Inspiro Spaceholder Training was nothing short of life-changing.


Over 12 weeks, I delved into the essence of sacred spaceholding and trauma-informed practices, and the experience left me profoundly transformed.

Initially drawn to the course to deepen my understanding of holding space, I found myself embarking on a deeply personal journey of self-discovery.


What I discovered was a wealth of wisdom and practical tools that not only empowered me to navigate my own challenges with grace but also equipped me to hold space for others in their times of need.

The depth of learning and the richness of the insights shared in the training ignited a newfound sense of purpose within me. I emerged from the course with a profound understanding of myself and a renewed commitment to guiding others through their own journeys.

For anyone seeking to deepen their self-awareness, learn the art of sacred spaceholding, and navigate life's twists and turns with resilience and grace, I wholeheartedly recommend the Inspiro Spaceholder Training. Thank you to JotePrakash and the Inspiro family for creating such a transformative experience.

Furthermore, I'm thrilled to share that I've recently launched my own business called The Way of Play. This venture has been instrumental in my journey of spaceholding, particularly through the practice of Playfight. It's amazing how this aligned with divine timing; on the last day of the 12-week course, I facilitated my first workshop. The synchronicity was incredible and reaffirmed my path.

Here's to the next chapter of growth and exploration! Sending infinite love to whoever is reading this and I do hope this has been supportive in making your decision whether to move forward with the Inspiro journey.


Yours Truly,

Benny T x

The Inspiro Space Holders Journey was an unforgettable experience that I will forever be grateful for.


What I thought was going to be simply learning the skills to hold trauma informed sacred spaces for others, turned out also to be a deeply transformative journey of deepening into myself. Of learning to truly hold myself through all parts of life, allowing me to trust in my ability hold space for others in a deeply meaningful embodied way.


Throughout this course I have discovered layers of intimacy and connection never known before, it really is incredible the depth of connection and trust that can be build even through zoom calls!


I have made beautiful lifelong friendships  on this journey, with foundations of authenticity that this course has allowed me to drop into. Meeting each other beyond the masks in scared space was a true gift. The consistency of the weekly meetings allowed a development of devotion to the sacred space and anchored me in accountability, to show up for myself and the space. To bring myself fully, in whatever form, however I am.


With the guidance of this course I feel more equipped with tools to hold space and a higher capacity to trust the unfolding of the mystery.


If you want to truly be met with unconditional love and authenticity whilst discovering your space holding skills, then this is the course for you. I recommend with every cell of my body!!  

Amelia May

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Participating in the Inspiro course over 12 weeks had a big impact on me.

Being a seeker, I’m no stranger to courses like this. I have grown much in such settings, mainly mens groups. Having had some good personal experience of Jote Prakash’s courses I felt fairly confident that from the outset, the investment would be worth it.

The main challenge for me, came from Inspiro being in an intimate mixed gender setting - oh, to be aware of the age-old mother wound! And my stubborn and often quirky relational tendencies... and a few defence mechanisms too!

I also felt a little challenged by being considerably older than most of the other participants; thankfully this didn’t last too long…

Conversely, and in a way unsurprisingly, as the course progressed, encouraged and inspired by the authenticity of others, often of the opposite sex, I moved into a more authentic version of myself; sometimes that involved being a little more vulnerable and sometimes allowing myself to be playful…or sometimes becoming acutely aware of my unintegrated shadow parts.

Group cohesion, compassion and camaraderie alongside Jote Prakash’s, embodied, highly skilled, inclusive facilitation style helped me feel safe enough to explore all these parts of myself.
As the weeks progressed it felt like the whole group really had each other backs too.

Another memorable part of the course was that it actively encouraged participation from each individual member to lead an opening and closing of a session; developing our own skills and confidence as space holders. I liked this.  


I saw people grow exponentially in confidence and self-esteem and also got to learn a few tools and techniques I hadn’t heard before, some of which I use in my work as space holder today.

The course also facilitated a good range of tools that were well formulated and documented in two workbook style brochures that we each received at the beginning of the course.

Overall, the overall investment was utterly worth it. I felt I grew a good deal, forged and strengthened connections with others, both old and new, and deepened my self-understanding and self-belief.

Justin Sykes

Who is holding the course?

Who is holding the course?

My name is JotePrakash Singh Khalsa, I used to be called Tom.


I am an Inspiro SpaceHolder, a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Men's Work Facilitator, a Musician and a Writer.


I have been holding Sacred Space since 2016 when I led my first mens retreat.

My deep core mission is to provide people with a holistic path to deeper connection by creating safe sacred spaces that inspire authenticity, courage and devotion.

I believe that sustainable happiness only comes from taking the brave journey into the Self and exploring the reality of how our wounding has influenced the way we show up in relationship.

My passions include: breakdancing, making music, chanting, sacred sexuality and acting.

I am currently loving being out working on our land outside Leeds where we are building a retreat centre. 

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Refund Policy

• If you cancel within 4 weeks of the event start date, 50% of the ticket cost will be refunded.

• If you cancel less than 4 weeks before, or if you withdraw from the event after the start of the first day, no part of the ticket cost will be refunded.

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