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Inspiro is the breath of inspiration, breath of transformation.

To create safe sacred healing containers that allow authentic connection to emerge organically; to inspire the bravery it takes to show up and embrace parts of that have been shunned or shamed and that, through radical acceptance, creative expression and deep feeling, we can all find our way back to unconditional Love.

Our Why
Because the pressure of these times is causing a widespread epidemic of disconnection. From ourselves. From one another. From our Earth.
Every year the UK economy loses £300 billion from poor mental health due to work absences, productivity and strain on services.
As found in the Rat Park experiment, addiction actually stems from a lack of connection.
Every 40 seconds, someone in the world takes their own life.
Inspiro is here to here to change that by creating spaces where people truly feel they belong and putting authentic relational connection back to the top of our priority lists.
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